How to order a coffee ?
1 - Types of hot drinks
In the big cities, modern cafes propose a very large choice of hot drinks such as :
Filtre kahve - filter coffee
Aromalı filtre kahve - aromatised filter coffee
Sıçak çikolata - hot chocolate
Kafeinsiz kahve - decaffeinated coffee
Türk kahvesi - turkish coffee
Kapuçino - cappucino
Karamelli macchiato - macchiato with caramel
Espresso - espresso
Çay - tea
2 - Give order
There are of course multiple ways to give your order.
A polite way to order would be :
Bir tane kapuçino alabilir miyim ? - Can I get a cappucino ?
An alternative is :
Ben bir tane buzlu karamelli macchiato alacağım - I would like a caramel macchiato with ice
Often the barista will reply with :
Başka bir isteğiniz var mı ? - Would you like something else ?
that calls a “Yok“ if you are done with your order.
3 - Size
If you didn’t say it already, the barista can ask :
Hangi boy olsun ? - What size ?
The 3 options are :
Küçük / orta / büyük boy - small / average / big size.
boy means size.
4 - Additional requests
Especially for turkish tea and coffees, the customer can specify how sweet he wants it.
Say :
“Sade olsun” if you want your drink to be sugar free.
“Orta olsun” means with a bit of sugar
and “şekerli olsun” means with sugar.
For milk, you can hear :
Süt ister misiniz - Would you like milk ?
Evet, laktozsuz süt lütfen - yes, lactose-free milk please
other words:
Buz - ice
5 - Where to drink ?
Same as in fast food places, the seller can say:
Burada mı paket mi ? - For here or to take away ?
or :
Burada mı içersiniz yoksa alıp göturur musunuz ? - Do you drink it here or do you take it away ?
To that you can answer :
Burada içeceğim - I ll drink here
Alıp götüreceğim / burada içmeyeceğim - I will take away / I will not drink here
Alıp göturmek is to verb for take away.
6 - Payment
If you’re not sure about the price say :
Ne kadar tutuyor ? - How much does it cost ?
Several ways can be used to know which payment method you want to use :
Ödeme şekliniz nasıl olacak ? / Ödememiz nasıl olacaktı ? - What will be the payment method ?
Answer to that question with :
Kredi Kartı olacak - It will be with credit card
Nakit olacak - It will be with cash
Another way to ask is :
Nasıl ödeyeceksiniz ? - How will you pay ?
You will have to say :
Kredi kartıyla ödeyeceğim - I m going to pay with credit card
Nakit ödeyeceğim - I pay with cash
Finally, the seller asks you:
Fiş ister misiniz - Would you like the receipt ?
7 - Specific questions
Are you keen of cold drinks ? Then ask for it :
Soğuk içeceğiniz var mı ? - Do you have cold drinks ?