This page explains how to use the gerundive form and express "by doing something" or "while doing something".

This will help us to say for instance :

  • The teacher resolves the issue by inviting the children’s parents.

  • He lost weight by exercising every day.

  • I broke my leg playing football.

The following forms can convey this meaning:

  • (y)arak / (y)erek - y if the verb’s root ends with a vowel

  • -a -a / -e -e

  • -arken / -erken


-(y)arak if the verb's root ends with a hard vowel (a ı o u)
-(y)erek if the verb's root ends with a soft vowel (e i ö ü)

We use the verb’s root and we add the suffix (y)arak or (y)erek - y if it ends with a vowel.

This is independent of the personal pronoun - same spelling applies to every person.

This form can be translated by “by doing something“.

Örnek Cümleler - Examples :

  • Her gün üniversiteye yürüyerek gidiyor - Every day he goes to the university walking.

    From the verb yürümek = to walk. Since the verb’s root yürü ends with a vowel, we add an y.

  • Aşçı, yemeği şarkı söyleyerek yapıyor - The cook prepares the meal while singing.

  • Boş zamanlarımı kitap okuyarak değerlendiriyorum - I spend my free time reading books.

  • Doktor üniversiteye çalışarak olabılırız - We can become doctor by studying at the university.

  • Atıklarınızı ayırarak topluma bir hizmet yapın - Do society a favor by sorting your wastes.

-A -A or -E -E form

verb + (y)a + verb + (y)a if the verb's root ends with a hard vowel (a ı o u)
verb + (y)e + verb + (y)e if the verb's root ends with a soft vowel (e i ö ü)

This form indicates how an action is performed and suggests that the action is carried out repeatedly.

It can be used interchangeably with the -arak form.

This form can be translated by “by doing something“.

Örnek Cümleler - Examples :

  • Öğrencilere ders vere vere güven kanzandı - He gained confidence by giving classes to students.

  • Esneliğini çalışa çalışa daha iyi bir jimnastikçi oldun - You became a better gymnast by working your flexibility.

  • Kurye müzik dineleye dineleye çalışıyor - The delivery man works while listening to music.

  • Sinavı gevezelik ete ete rahatsız ediyorlar - They disturb the class by chatting. To verify

-(Y)KEN form

This form is used to answer the question: when is the action performed.

This form can be translated by “while I was doing something“.

It can be used with 3 different forms:

  • with a name : name + -da + yken

  • with an adjective : adjective + (y)ken

  • with a verb : conjugated verb + (y)ken

Its mostly used with the present tense.

This form can be used with a verb conjugated at

  • the present : -arken, -ar being the suffix of the 3rd person

  • the future: -(y)acakken to mean “about to“

  • the present continous : -yorken

  • the past tense : -mişken to mean “meanwhile“

Every of its usage helps to answer the question: When does the action happen = Ne zaman ?

Örnek Cümleler - Examples with the present:

  • Ben spor yaparken müzik dinliyorum. I listen to music while doing sport.

    Ne zaman müzik dinliyorum? Ben spor yaparken - When do I listen to music? While listening to music.

  • Ben eve giderken yağmur başladı - It started to rain while I went home.

    Ne zaman yağmur başladı? Ben eve giderken - When did it start to rain ? While going home.

  • Futbol oynarken düştüm ve bacağım kırıldı - I felt and broke my leg while I was playing football.

    Ne zaman düştüm ve bacağım kırıldı? Futbol oynarken - When did I fall and broke my leg ? While playing football.

  • Araba kullanırken lütfen cep telefonu ile konuşmayın - Please do not talk on the phone while driving.

    Ne zaman cep telefonu ile konuşmayın? Araba kullanırken - When not talk on the phone ? While driving.

The future form: - (y)acakken means “about to”

Örnek Cümleler - Examples with the future tense:

  •  Ben tam dışarı çıkacakken yağmur başladı. It started to rain while I was about to go outside. ??

    Ne zaman yağmur başladı? Ben tam dışarı çıkacakken - When did it start to rain ? While I was just about to go outside.

  • Tam oturup televizyonu açacakken misafirler geldi. When I was about to sit down and switch the TV on, the guest arrived.

    Ne zaman misafirler geldi ? Tam oturup televizyonu açacakken - When did the guests arrive? While I was just about to go sit down and switch on TV.

With the past tense: - (y)acakken it means “meanwhile”.

Örnek Cümleler - Examples with the past tense:

  • Markete gitmişken bana da çikolata alır mısın? - Meanwhile you go to the market, can you take me chocolate ?

    Ne zaman bana çikolata alırsın? Markete gitmişken - When do you take me some chocolate ? Meanwhile you go to the market.

-verb + (y)ken form